Thursday, December 1, 2011

QNX operating system

I worked in the QNX platform when I am dealing with IED simulators. So I thought to write some information about QNX operating system and state resourceful links.

In IED environment priority scheduling is really critical. Breaker tripping and relevant communication should gain highest priority when fault is detected by relay hardware. to fulfill this fast operation IED uses RTOS (real time operating system).Its ultra-reliable nature means QNX software is the preferred choice for life-critical systems such as Power grid,air traffic control systems, surgical equipment, and nuclear power plants. The QNX Neutrino RTOS is the latest incarnation of the QNX real time operating system, which has been powering mission-critical application. The QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite is a comprehensive, Eclipse-based integrated development environmen. Companoes rely on  QNX® Neutrino® RTOS and the QNX® Momentics® development suite to build products that enhance their brand characteristics – innovative, high-quality, dependable.

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