Thursday, December 1, 2011


Iperf is a tool to measure the TCP bandwidth and the quality of a network link.

The quality of a link can be tested as follows:
- Latency (response time or RTT): can be measured with the Ping command.One way Latency can be measured by NetPIPE
- Jitter (latency variation): can be measured with an Iperf UDP test.
- Datagram loss: can be measured with an Iperf UDP test.

Iperf can be installed  on any UNIX/Linux or Microsoft Windows system. One host must be set as client, the other one as server. Clent send predefined size of packets from client to server. Sever receive packets sent by client and measure time taken to collect packets. By dividing total packet received over time taken, iperf decide throughput measurement.  

By default, the Iperf client connects to the Iperf server on the TCP port 5001 and the bandwidth displayed by Iperf is the bandwidth from the client to the server.
If you want to use UDP tests, use the -u argument.
The -d and -r Iperf client arguments measure the bi-directional bandwidths.

For TCP measurement I used,

Server side:
iperf -s

Client side:
iperf -c -F -m -M

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