Friday, January 11, 2008

BIND Name Server

The Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND) resolves IP addresses to host names and host names to IP addresses. This service is often called Domain
Name Service (DNS).
Red Hat Linux includes these BIND-related packages:
1. bind, which provides a regular DNS server
2. bind-utils, a set of useful utilities for administering BIND.
3. caching-nameserver, which configures BIND to provide a cachingonly name server.

BIND Configuration

To establish DNS,/etc/named.conf should be configured.We must also configure a set of files known as zone files.The contents of a correct hint file can be obtained via FTP from

The server administration script for named is /etc/rc.d/init.d/named.

service named start
service named restart
service named stop
service named reload
service named status

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