Thursday, October 20, 2011

Faults in power systems

There are two categories of faults:

  • Active Faults : Current flow from one phase to another or phase to ground. Two sub categories solid faults(complete breakdown of insulation) and incipient faults(faults start from very small beginning).
  • Passive Faults : These are not real faults, but stressing the system to its maximum capacity, and ultimately active fault occurs. (Overloading, over voltage, under frequency and power swings)

Transient Faults : do not damage the insulation permanently and allow the system to re energized after a short time period (lightning strike, momentary tree contact)
Permanent faults : does not disappear when the power is disconnected. equipment has to be repaired.

Symmetrical faults are balanced faults. Sinusoidal are equal about their axis. represent steady state operation.
Asymmetrical faults displays a dc offset and become a symmetrical fault after some time

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